Inspection of Injectable Products for Visible Particulates Guidance for Industry

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FDAは12月17日に注射剤に混在(混入)する異物に関する目視確認のguideline (draft)を発出して、public commentを求めている。これは、 USP に収載されている注射剤中の異物検査を包括した guidelineである;USP General Chapters <788> Particulate Matter in Injections and <787> Subvisible Particulate Matter in Therapeutic Protein Injectionsfor information about subvisible particulates control e USP General Chapter <790> Visible Particulates in Injections, which describes inspection procedures used to demonstrate that injectable products are essentially free from particulates, and USP General Chapter <1790>, an informational chapter that provides recommendations on inspection programs for visible particulates covering the injectable product life cycle.


FDA (USPも)人による目視確認による異物検出能は、全自動の検出装置能に劣ることが明確に記述されており、人による100%目視は、補助的であることが、強く記述されている。<検出精度に関しては、日本の製薬企業で行われている、人による目視検査と全く反対の立場である。また、人による目視検査では、大きなばらつき、経時的な疲労による誤差があることを記述している>




極端な事例では、 US向けの目視異物検査には、国内向けの手順とは異なる手順、基準(限度見本で対応)を準備することが、推奨される。



Visible particulates in injectable products can jeopardize patient safety. This guidance addresses the development and implementation of a holistic, risk-based approach to visible particulate control that incorporates product development, manufacturing controls, visual inspection techniques, particulate identification, investigation, and corrective actions designed to assess, correct, and prevent the risk of visible particulate contamination. The guidance also clarifies that meeting an applicable United States Pharmacopeia (USP) compendial standard alone is not generally sufficient for meeting the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements for the manufacture of injectable products. The guidance does not cover subvisible particulates or physical defects that products are typically inspected for along with inspection for visible particulates (e.g., container integrity flaws, fill volume, appearance of lyophilized cake/suspension solids).

注射用医薬品に含まれる目に見える粒子は、患者の安全を脅かす可能性がある。 このガイダンスは、医薬品開発、製造管理、目視検査技術、粒子識別、調査、およびリスクを評価、修正、防止するために設計された是正措置を組み込んだ、目に見える粒子管理への全体的でリスクベースのアプローチの開発と実行に対応している。 目に見える粒子汚染。 ガイダンスはまた、適用可能な米国薬局方(USP)の公定基準を満たすだけでは、注射用医薬品の製造に関するCGMPの要件を満たすのに一般的に十分ではないことを明確にしている。 ガイダンスは、目に見える粒子の検査とともに医薬品が通常検査される目に見えない粒子または物理的欠陥(例えば、容器の完全性の欠陥、充填量、凍結乾燥ケーキ/懸濁液固形物の外観)を対象にしていない。

For the purpose of this guidance:

  • Particulates refer to mobile, undissolved particles other than gas bubbles that are unintentionally present in an injectable product. They vary in nature (e.g., metal, glass, dust, fiber, rubber, polymer, mold, degradant precipitate) and can be divided into three categories6 :

o Inherent particulates are particulates that are an innate product characteristic.

o Intrinsic particulates are particulates that are derived from the manufacturing  equipment, product formulation, or container system.

o Extrinsic particulates are particulates that originate from the manufacturing environment and are foreign to the manufacturing process.


  • 粒子状物質とは、注射用医薬品に意図せずに存在する気泡以外の可動性の未溶解粒子を指す。粒子は性質が異なり(金属、ガラス、ほこり、繊維、ゴム、ポリマー、カビ、分解性沈殿物など)、 3つのカテゴリーに分けられる:





  • Injectable products generally refer to injectable human drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), injectable animal drugs approved under section 512 or conditionally approved under section 571 of the FD&C Act, and injectable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act. In some cases, the injectable product may be a drug or biological product constituent part of a combination product, such as a drug or biological product prefilled into a syringe (see 21 CFR part 3).
  • 注射用医薬品とは、一般に、連邦食品医薬品化粧品法(FD&C法)のセクション505で承認された注射用ヒト用医薬品、FD&C法のセクション512で承認された、または条件付きで承認された注射用動物用医薬品、および注射用生物学的医薬品を指す。公衆衛生サービス法のセクション351の下で認可されている。場合によっては、注射用医薬品は、注射器に事前に充填された医薬品または生物学的医薬品などの組み合わせ医薬品の医薬品または生物学的医薬品構成部分である(21 CFRパート3を参照)。

The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way, unless specifically incorporated into a contract. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law. FDA guidance documents, including this guidance, should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.




Under section 501 of the FD&C Act, a drug product, including an injectable product, is deemed adulterated if:



  • “It has been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have been contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health” (section 501(a)(2)(A)).
  • “It is a drug and the methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to or are not operated or administered in conformity with current good manufacturing practice to assure that such drug meets the requirements of this Act as to safety and has the identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity characteristics, which it purports or is represented to possess” (section 501(a)(2)(B)).
  • “It purports to be or is represented as a drug the name of which is recognized in an official compendium, and its strength differs from, or its quality or purity falls below, the standards set forth in such compendium” (section 501(b)).
  • It is a new animal drug that is unsafe within the meaning of section 512 (section 80 501(a)(5)).

Adherence to FDA’s CGMP requirements as set forth in section 501 of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR parts 210 and 211 for drug, animal drug, and biological products; §§ 600.10 through 600.15 for biological products; and part 4 for combination products9 84 is essential for the control of visible particulates in injectable products.

  • 「汚物で汚染されている可能性がある、または健康に害を及ぼす可能性がある不衛生な条件下で製造、包装、または保管されている」(セクション501(a)(2)(A))。
  • 「それは医薬品であり、その製造、調剤、包装、または保管に使用される方法、または使用される設備または管理は、cGMPに準拠していないか、準拠して運用または管理されていないことを保証する。医薬品は、安全性に関するこの法律の要件を満たし、特性と力価を持ち、それを保持している、または保持していると主張されている品質と純度の特性を満たしている」(セクション501(a)(2)(B))。
  • 「それは、その医薬名は公式に承認されている医薬品である、またはそのように表されており、その力価が承認基準と異なるか、またはその品質または純度が劣っている」(セクション501(b ))。
  • これは、セクション512(セクション80 501(a)(5))の範囲内で安全ではない新しい動物用医薬品である。


Adherence to compendial standards can also assist manufacturers in complying with CGMP requirements (see, e.g., §§ 211.194(a)(2) and 211.165(e)).


USP General Chapter <1> Injections and Implanted Drug Products (Parenterals)—Product Quality Tests states that “[t]he inspection process should be designed and qualified to ensure that every lot of all parenteral preparations is essentially free from visible particulates” as defined in USP General Chapter <790> Visible Particulates in Injections. Injectable products with a USP monograph are required to meet the applicable criteria from these USP General Chapters (see section 501(b) of the FD&C Act). Noncompendial products should also be “essentially free from visible particulates” as defined in USP General Chapter <790>.

USP General Chapter <1>注射および埋め込み医薬品(非経口)-医薬品品質テストでは、定義されているように、「すべての非経口製剤のすべてのロットに目に見える粒子がないことを確認するために、検査プロセスを設計および認定すること」と述べている。 USP一般章<790>注射液中の可視粒子。 USPモノグラフの注射用医薬品は、これらのUSP一般章の該当する基準を満たすこと(FD&C法のセクション501(b)を参照)。非公定書の医薬品も、USP General Chapter <790>で定義されているように、「目に見える粒子が100%ない」こと。

Applying acceptance criteria, such as the criterion outlined in USP General Chapter <790>, is an important component of the overall visible particulate control program, but meeting these acceptance criteria is not alone sufficient to ensure compliance with the applicable CGMP requirements identified above, which cover a broader array of manufacturing practices than product inspection. Full compliance with CGMP requirements is needed to ensure the continued supply of pure, safe, and effective injectable products.

USP General Chapter <790>で明記されている基準などの受け入れ基準を適用することは、目に見える粒子状物質管理プログラム全体の重要な要素であるが、これらの受け入れ基準を満たすだけでは、上記で特定された該当するCGMP要件への準拠を保証するのに十分ではない。医薬品検査よりも幅広い製造実施をカバーしている。純粋で安全かつ効果的な注射用医薬品の継続的な供給を確保するには、CGMP要件への完全な準拠が必要である。

In accordance with USP General Chapter <1>, injectable products should be prepared in a manner designed to exclude visible particulates, and the inspection process should be designed and qualified to ensure that the products are essentially free of visible particulates. Each final container must be inspected (100% inspection) using a qualified method to detect particles within the visible size range, and all units that are found to contain visible particulates must be rejected (§§ 211.160(b) and 211.110(c) and (d); see also USP General Chapter <1>).

USP General Chapter <1>に従って、注射用医薬品は目に見える粒子を排除するように設計された方法は準備されること、検査プロセスは医薬品が100%目に見える粒子を含まないことを保証するように設計および認定されること。可視サイズ範囲内の粒子を検出するための適格な方法を使用して、各最終容器を検査(100%検査)する必要があり、可視粒子を含むことが判明したすべてのユニットを不適合にすること(§§211.160(b)および211.110(c)および(d); USP General Chapter <1>も参照)。

Depending on the clinical risk profile associated with a specific product, FDA may expect that product to comply with stricter standards than those set forth in the compendia in order for those products to meet CGMP requirements.

Applicants implementing post approval changes to their manufacturing processes that are intended to ensure a product is essentially free from visible particulates must follow existing FDA regulations and should follow existing FDA guidance.




The clinical manifestations of adverse events caused by particulate contamination vary and may depend on the route of administration (e.g., intravascular, intravisceral, intramuscular), patient  population, and nature or class of the particulates themselves (e.g., physical size or shape, quantity, chemical reactivity to certain cells or tissues, immunogenicity, infectivity, carcinogenicity). Particulates in intravascular or intravisceral injections generally can cause more adverse events than those in subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. According to published case reports (Langille 2014; Doessegger et al. 2012), serious adverse events involving injectable products contaminated with visible particulates have included:


粒子汚染によって引き起こされる有害事象の臨床症状はさまざまであり、投与経路(例えば、血管内、内臓内、筋肉内)、患者集団、および粒子自体の性質またはクラス(例えば、物理的サイズまたは形状、量、特定の細胞または組織に対する化学的反応性、免疫原性、感染性、発癌性)。血管内または内臓内注射の粒子は、一般に、皮下または筋肉内注射の粒子よりも多くの有害事象を引き起こす可能性がある。公表された症例報告(Langille 2014; Doessegger etal。2012)によると、目に見える粒子で汚染された注射用医薬品に関連する重篤な有害事象には以下が含まれる。

  • At the systemic level, infection and venous and arterial emboli (thrombotic or nonthrombotic).
  • Microscopic emboli, abscesses, and granulomas in visceral organs.
  • Phlebitis, inflammatory reactions, granulomas, and infections at injection sites.

Furthermore, different patient populations may have different risks for developing adverse events after exposure to injectable products contaminated with particulates. Risk factors include age (e.g., pediatric and elderly patients), personal or family history of thrombophilia, major surgery, cancer, trauma, underlying infection, autoimmune disease, diabetes-associated late-stage vasculitis, obesity, and smoking.

Applicants should consider these clinical risk factors when developing their quality target product profile and in establishing an appropriate control strategy and acceptance criteria for visible particulates.

  • 全身レベルでは、感染症と静脈および動脈塞栓症(血栓性または非血栓性)。
  • 内臓の顕微鏡的塞栓、膿瘍、および肉芽腫。
  • 静脈炎、炎症反応、肉芽腫、および注射部位の感染症。




Visible particulates can have a negative effect on overall product quality. To ensure product quality and to limit clinical risk, manufacturers should conduct a risk assessment during product development.


During this risk assessment, manufacturers should identify the typical visible particulates that could contaminate the injectable product and characterize their size ranges, quantity, and composition; determine risks for each type; and provide a visual description (e.g., photographs or drawings of typical defects) to be used for training purposes.


Manufacturers should also consider the potential sources of particulates, appropriate analytical methods to monitor them, and mitigation strategies to prevent their presence in the final product.

Different considerations are relevant depending on the category of particulates found during the risk assessment:



  • Inherent particulates are associated with specific products or their formulations—such as proteinaceous particulates, liposomes, or agglomerates—and are considered part of the quality target product profile. Their presence should not be cause for rejection of individual units or product batches if they are a property of the approved product and product release specifications are met. For hard-to-inspect products containing inherent particulates, such as suspensions or emulsions, manufacturers should develop supplemental testing methods to ensure adequate detection of visible particulates (see section V, Visual Inspection Program Considerations). In addition, manufacturers should monitor time-dependent changes during stability testing that may lead to increases in size or number beyond the approved acceptance criteria.
  • 固有の粒子状物質は、特定の医薬品またはその製剤(タンパク質性粒子状物質、リポソーム、凝集体など)に関連付けられており、品管理質目標医薬品プロファイルの一部と見なされる。それらが承認された医薬品の特性であり、医薬品の出荷規格が満たされている場合、それらの存在が個々のユニットまたは医薬品バッチの不適合の原因とならないようにすること。懸濁液やエマルジョンなどの固有の粒子を含む検査が難しい医薬品の場合、製造業者は、目に見える粒子を適切に検出するための補足的な試験方法を開発すること(セクションV、目視検査プログラムの考慮事項を参照)。さらに、医薬品製造者は、安定性テスト中に時間に依存する変化を監視すること。これにより、承認された許容基準を超えるサイズまたは数の粒子の増加につながる可能性がある。
  • Intrinsic particulates can be related to the manufacturing process. Such particulates could come from components, containers and closures (e.g., glass vials, rubber stoppers), and product contact processing equipment (e.g., tubing, filters, gaskets). Manufacturers should control such particulates before the actual manufacturing process through careful selection and quality control of components, containers and closures, packaging materials, and manufacturing equipment. Additionally, manufacturers should conduct studies to determine whether their manufacturing processes generate particulates.
  • 固有の粒子は、製造プロセスに関連している可能性がある。このような粒子は、組成、容器、密閉系(ガラスバイアル、ゴム栓など)、および医薬品に接触・処理する部材・装置(チューブ、フィルター、ガスケットなど)から発生する可能性がある。製造業者は、コンポーネント、容器とクロージャー、包装材料、および製造装置の慎重な選択と品質管理を通じて、実際の製造プロセスの前にそのような微粒子を管理すること。さらに、製造業者は、製造プロセスで粒子状物質が生成されるかどうかの調査を実施すること。

Similarly, manufacturers should study and understand the impact of handling, washing, and sterilization processes on manufacturing equipment (i.e., wear and tear) that could lead to particulate generation over time. Such process development studies can minimize intrinsic particulates by informing selection of the appropriate handling, washing, and sterilization procedures and establishing equipment life spans. Manufacturers should also evaluate trends in reject data at designated manufacturing facilities and use a life cycle management approach to monitor and control process-related intrinsic particulates in their final products.


Intrinsic particulates can also be related to the formulation or stability of the product or its container closure (e.g., particulates formed because of precipitation of active pharmaceutical ingredients, glass delamination, or protein-silicone oil interaction). These types of particulates can form after product release and can change in size or number when the product is stored. Manufacturers should study the risk of this type of intrinsic particulate forming under accelerated or stressed conditions in the product development phase to determine particulate characteristics and any time-dependent particulate formation or growth that can occur. In addition, an analytical method suitable for characterizing and monitoring product-specific particulates should be developed. A robust product design achieved through formulation optimization and container closure screening during development is critical to reduce the formation of product-related intrinsic particulates. Information obtained from these studies can be used to support product-specific inspection processes (e.g., particulate seeding for test kits with known product-specific intrinsic particulates, particulate identification, and rejection classification).


  • Extrinsic particulates arise from sources other than the formulation’s components, the containers and closures, or the manufacturing equipment’s product contact surfaces.
  • 外因性粒子は、製剤の成分、容器とクロージャー、または製造装置の医薬品接触面以外の発生源から発生する。

These particulates, derived from materials not intended to be in contact with the injectable product, can negatively affect product quality and could indicate possible microbial contamination or another CGMP issue. Their presence in the final product can occur because of poor conditions in the manufacturing facility (e.g., poor environmental control; equipment design, age, and maintenance; facility location, construction, and maintenance; material and personnel flows). Manufacturing facilities must be CGMP compliant and of appropriate design to support the manufacture of injectable products (see 21 CFR part 211, subpart C; § 211.63; and part 4).

注射用医薬品と接触しないはずの材料に由来するこれらの粒子は、医薬品の品質に悪影響を与える可能性があり、微生物汚染または別のCGMPの問題の可能性を示している可能性がある。最終医薬品にそれらが存在するのは、製造施設の状態が悪いために発生する可能性がある(たとえば、環境管理の悪さ、機器の設計、経年、および保守、施設の場所、建設、および保守、材料と人員の流れ)。製造施設は、CGMPに準拠し、注射用医薬品の製造をサポートする適切な設計であること(21 CFRパート211、サブパートC、§211.63、およびパート4を参照)。

Manufacturers should not rely on downstream adjustments during manufacturing to justify a poorly designed product or process. Instead, quality should be built into the manufacturing process, starting with the development phase and continuing during scale-up, process qualification studies, and commercial manufacturing. Successful management of visible particulates also includes vigilant assessment of the state of control, early detection of poor process performance, and effective process improvement throughout the product’s life cycle.


Proactively addressing risk is an important part of a life cycle approach to visible particulate control. Formal risk assessments conducted during product development contribute to process understanding and form a foundation for knowledge management. Their results should be used to establish adequate product-specific production controls and clearly defined in-process alert and action limits for particulates. Threshold studies should be conducted to determine the characteristics (e.g., size, shape, color) of visible particulates that can be reproducibly detected by trained personnel. These threshold studies can also be the basis for establishing particulate standards that will be used to establish inspection procedures, help avoid inspection bias, and allow manufacturers to verify their manufacturing processes are in a state of control.



Visual inspection can be viewed as part of a larger program to ensure that injectable products are essentially free of visible particulates. During injectable product development, manufacturers should establish procedures for inspecting the product, statistical sampling plan(s), acceptance/rejection criteria, and procedures for evaluating inspection results. Inspection procedures carried over from another site or another product may not always be suitable for a new product.


During process scale-up or transfer to contract manufacturers, the visual inspection methods should be assessed to confirm they are still appropriate and valid at the new scale or manufacturing site. The visual inspection program should allow for appropriate adaptations based on knowledge gained throughout the product’s life cycle. For example, the inspection procedures and/or analytical and statistical methods may need revision if the batch size, manufacturing process, or conditions change.

In addition to inspection, a visible particulate control program should include the training and qualification of operators and investigation of discrepancies, including root cause analysis, corrective actions, and preventive actions.


Trained and qualified personnel, automated inspection technology, or a combination of both should be used to inspect each unit of injectable product for visible particulates (hereinafter 100% inspection). In addition, the quality unit should sample each batch for acceptance quality limit (AQL) testing.



A visual inspection program should ensure that any visible particulates present in the batch at the time of release are only those that have a low probability of detection because they are of a size approaching the visible detection limit. This section covers 100% inspection, statistical sampling, training and qualification, quality assurance through a life cycle approach, and actions to address nonconformance.


  1. 100% Inspection

Manufacturers should conduct 100% inspection during the stage at which there is the greatest likelihood that visible particulates will be detected in the final container (e.g., before labeling to maximize container clarity). Manufacturers should ensure that the equipment used and the physical environment where visual inspection will be performed are designed to minimize variability and maximize detectability in the inspection process.

Important factors to consider follow.



  1. Components and Container Closure Systems

Visible particulate contamination could be traced to components or container closure systems.

To ensure visible particulate control, manufacturers must have written procedures for the receipt, identification, storage, handling, sampling, testing, and approval or rejection of components and product containers (including devices and device components that contact injectable products) (§ 211.80; see also part 4). Such procedures must ensure that components and containers and closures are tested or examined and approved, as appropriate, before use in manufacturing (§ 211.84). Containers and closures must not alter the product’s safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity (§§ 211.94(a) and 600.11(h); see also part 4).




  1. 2. Facility and Equipment

To comply with CGMP requirements, manufacturing facilities must be designed, constructed, and outfitted with equipment to prevent injectable products from being contaminated with particulates. Applicable CGMP regulations include:

  • Buildings and facilities (§§ 211.42 through 211.58 and 600.11).
  • Equipment design, size, and location (§ 211.63).
  • Equipment construction (§§ 211.65 and 600.11).
  • Equipment cleaning and maintenance (§§ 211.67 and 600.11).

Inspections can be conducted manually and/or using a range of automated inspection techniques:

  • For manual inspections, the inspection station should have a backdrop of one or more solid colors (e.g., black and white) to provide adequate contrast and to allow maximum visibility of product contents. The light intensity of the inspection station is also critical to achieving maximum visibility. Manufacturers should consider container color, size, and shape as well as product characteristics when determining the ideal intensity.
  • During semi-automated inspections, a machine rotates the product at a constant rate past a trained inspector’s field of vision. Rejected products are removed mechanically or by hand.


  • 建物および施設(§§211.42から211.58および600.11)。
  • 機器の設計、サイズ、および場所(§211.63)。
  • 機器の構造(§§211.65および600.11)。
  • 機器のクリーニングとメンテナンス(§§211.67および600.11)。


  • 手動検査の場合、検査台には、適切なコントラストを提供し、医薬品の内容を最大限に可視化するために、1つまたは複数の単色(白黒など)の背景が必要である。検査台の光量。強度も、最大の視認性を実現するために重要である。製造業者は、理想的な強度を決定する際に、容器の色、サイズ、形状、および医薬品の特性を考慮すること。
  • 半自動検査中、機械は訓練を受けた検査員の視界を通過して一定の速度で医薬品を回転させます。不適合にされた医薬品は、機械的または手作業で除去される。

Automated inspection technology can be used as part of an investigation in the inspection process for injectable products, as a replacement for manual inspection, or as an additional quality assurance step. Automated inspection technology can use different wavelengths and sensors to detect hard-to-see particulates in sterile powder, suspensions, or light-protected injection products for which visual inspection is not completely effective.

Regardless of the technique—manual, semi-automated, or automated—the inspection environment should be free from distractions and extraneous light, and the inspection rate should be qualified and should allow for thorough visual inspection. Manufacturers can operate independent inspection stations as separate units or units that are connected in a series. Some inspection equipment does not require controlled separate facilities for visible particulate inspection.



For manual and semi-automated inspections, the inspection environment should be ergonomically designed for inspector comfort.

For semi-automated and automated inspections, equipment must be routinely calibrated, inspected, or checked in accordance with a written program designed to ensure proper performance, and records of those calibration checks and inspections must be maintained (§ 211.68). Equipment should also be properly qualified. See section V.C, Training and Qualification, for more information.

When compared with manual inspection, automated inspection technology may improve detectability of visible particulates because machine variability is generally easier to control than the variability individual personnel can bring to tasks performed repetitively over time. In some cases, the technology can detect higher levels of specific visible particulates. In others, it can detect particulates at the lower end of the visual inspection range with greater statistical reliability when compared with manual and semi-automated inspection of the same product (Melchore 2010).




Automated inspection technology may allow manufacturers to better control product quality.

Manufacturers may need to adjust in-process action and alert limits if they change from manual to automated inspection. Adjustments should be based on statistical process and batch data analysis obtained during evaluation and validation of automated inspection equipment.

Among the automated inspection technologies currently in use (e.g., high-speed industrial camera, visible diode array, X-ray, near-field radar, ultraviolet and near infrared spectroscopy), each has its advantages and disadvantages but, if properly implemented, all can substantially improve the accuracy of visual inspection.




  1. Process

Manufacturers should conduct inspection feasibility studies for visible particulate detectability, unit inspection duration, illumination, and fatigue time frame. These studies should be scientifically based and analyzed using appropriate statistical methodology. Depending on the study results, manufacturers may need to adjust particulate standards or inspection processes or, in some cases, change equipment to improve accuracy and reduce patient risk.


Manufacturers must implement written procedures for production and process controls (§211.100), which should cover each aspect of the visual inspection process. Such procedures should cover handling of the units (e.g., swirling, inversion, distance from light), maximum length of the inspection period without a rest break, and disposition and documentation of products that were rejected based on the results of the visual inspection.


A complete program for the control and monitoring of particulate matter must include written procedures for production and process control, sampling and testing of in-process materials, and control of microbiological contamination that are designed to minimize the occurrence of visible particulates, identify affected batches of injectable product, and facilitate investigation to determine the sources of visible particulates (§§ 211.100, 211.110, and 211.113).


Written procedures should also cover how to conduct 100% inspections to ensure batches are essentially free of visible particulates. All records must be documented in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements (§ 211.188(b)(5); see also § 600.12). Adequate written procedures can contribute to a more thorough understanding of the potential sources and quantity of visible particulates, leading to improvements in process design. The increased level of understanding would also promote a more robust particulate control program and higher quality investigations (see § 211.192).


  1. Special Injectable Product Considerations

Large volume parenterals should undergo the same level of inspection as small volume injectable products. In many cases, patient risk from particulate contamination is higher for large volume parenterals than for small volume injectable products because of the volume of product administered and the potential for a patient to receive a continuous administration over many days. Packaging and labeling of large volume parenteral (e.g., overwraps and printing on the flexible bags) can interfere with visual inspection. Large volume intravenous bags that have an outer bag can be particularly challenging to inspect. Manufacturers should take appropriate measures to ensure adequate 100% inspection of these products. Supplemental destructive testing may also be warranted to ensure these products are essentially free of visible particulates if the packaging does not allow for the identification of particulates within the accepted visible size range.


Opaque products and containers (e.g., lyophilized powders, suspension products, tinted vials) present obvious challenges to visual inspection. Using advanced technologies such as those described in section V.A.2 in this guidance (e.g., X-ray spectroscopy) can help, as can supplemental destructive testing after the 100% inspection, which provides additional assurance of product quality. Supplemental destructive testing may not be warranted, however, if the technology used in the 100% inspection is validated to meet or surpass human inspection capabilities. Manufacturers should conduct a feasibility study to demonstrate the suitability of the technology selected for the specific product.


  1. Statistical Sampling

Following 100% inspection, manufacturers should employ statistically sound sampling plans, validated inspection methods, and appropriate acceptance criteria to ensure that each product batch meets a pre-established AQL for visible particulate contamination. This is consistent with USP General Chapters <1> and <790>; however, a more stringent sampling plan and acceptance criteria may be appropriate for higher risk products.

100%検査の後、製造業者は、統計的に適切なサンプリング計画、検証済みの検査方法、および適切な合格基準を採用して、各医薬品バッチが目に見える粒子汚染について事前に確立されたAQLを満たしていることを確認すること。これは、USP General Chapters <1>および<790>と一致している。ただし、リスクの高い医薬品には、より厳格なサンプリング計画と受け入れ基準が適切な場合がある。


A sampling plan allows the user to make a specific statistical quality statement about the attribute of interest (e.g., a defect) in a batch based on the sample size and sampling locations.

サンプリング計画により、医薬品製造者は、サンプルサイズとサンプリング場所に基づいて、対象の属性(欠陥など)に関する特定の統計的品質ステートメントをバッチで作成できる。Manufacturers should select their sampling plans in accordance with the risk for a particular type of product defect. CGMP regulations require manufacturers to ensure that batches of injectable products meet appropriate specifications and statistical quality control criteria as a condition for their approval and release (§ 211.165).

医薬品製造者は、特定の種類の医薬品の欠陥のリスクに応じて、サンプリング計画を選択すること。 CGMP規制では、製造業者は、注射用医薬品のバッチが、承認と出荷判定の条件として適切な規格と統計的品質管理基準を満たしていることを確認すること(§211.165)。

Manufacturers should quantify the following parameters with respect to design and use of sampling plans

  • Operating characteristic curves developed for each defect classification or quality attribute that is being tested.
  • Accept/reject criteria, AQL, and unacceptable quality limit (also referred to as rejectable quality limit, limiting quality, or lot tolerance percent defective).

The methodology and acceptance criteria for the statistical sampling plan should consider patient risk, particulate type, and product and container characteristics that may interfere with particulate visibility. For example, an adequate sampling plan with an acceptable AQL for nondestructive/destructive testing could follow ASTM E2234.


  • 試験・検査されている欠陥分類または品質属性ごとに作成された動作特性曲線。
  • 合格/不適合基準、AQL、および許容できない品質制限(不適合可能な品質制限、制限品質、またはロット許容不良率とも呼ばれる)。


Firms that wish to propose an alternative minimum standard for their specific product should ensure that there is a risk-based justification for the proposed standard.


Extrinsic particulates identified during 100% inspection or AQL of the batch—which suggests the presence of filth, sterility assurance issues, or other CGMP violations—may result in product that could be considered adulterated, even if the statistical sampling acceptance criteria are met.


Likewise, multiple visible particulates (extrinsic or intrinsic) within a single container may be indicative of manufacturing problems and should trigger increased scrutiny of the batch.

If retained samples are used to evaluate the suitability of product in distribution (such as in the case of product complaints), manufacturers should consider additional factors such as historical data for the facility and/or product when evaluating the suitability of a given product batch.

According to § 211.194(a)(2), “the suitability of all testing methods used shall be verified under actual conditions of use.” Manufacturers also must validate and document tests used to ensure that each batch of the product conforms to final specifications for release and distribution (§ 211.165(e)).



  • 211.194(a)(2)によると、「使用されるすべての試験方法の適合性は、実際の使用条件下で検証されるものとする。」また、製造業者は、医薬品の各バッチが出荷判定の最終規格に準拠していることを確認するために使用されるテストを検証および文書化すること(§211.165(e))。
  1. Training and Qualification

Only certified inspectors and qualified equipment should be used to inspect injectable products for visible particulates. Personnel conducting inspections (100% inspection and AQL inspection) must be adequately trained (including, as appropriate, periodic retraining or requalification) (§§211.25 and 600.10(b)).

注射用医薬品の目に見える粒子を検査するには、認定された検査員と資格のある機器のみを使用すること。 検査(100%検査およびAQL検査)を実施する担当者は、適切に教育訓練されていること(必要に応じて、定期的な再訓練または再認定を含む)(§§211.25および600.10(b))。

Formalized training and qualification programs promote consistent performance by individual inspectors or automated inspection machines and help minimize variability among different inspectors or machines (Melchore 2011). The program can include a combination of training materials, standard operating procedures (SOPs), on-the-job training, and testing. Inspector candidates should be trained in the relevant CGMP requirements and should have normal near visual acuity (with or without the use of corrective lenses) and no impairment of color vision (Ricci et al. 1998).

正式なトレーニングおよび資格認定プログラムは、個々の検査員または自動検査機による一貫したパフォーマンスを促進し、さまざまな検査員または機械間のばらつきを最小限に抑えるのに役立ちます(Melchore2011)。 プログラムには、トレーニング資料、標準操作手順(SOP)、オンザジョブトレーニング、およびテストの組み合わせを含めることができる。 検査員の候補者は、関連するCGMP要件のトレーニングを受け、通常の近視力(矯正レンズの使用の有無にかかわらず)を持ち、色覚の障害がないこと(Ricci et al.1998)。

Regarding inspection equipment:

  • The specific backdrop and light intensity selected for manual inspection stations should be qualified.
  • Semi-automated inspection equipment should be properly calibrated and qualified at a specific vial-spin and belt speed. Lighting should also be qualified to allow for accurate human detection of defective products.
  • Automated inspection machines should be validated to meet or surpass human inspection capabilities and can be qualified using training standards or artificial intelligence technology.
  • 手動検査ステーション用に選択された特定の背景と光強度を認定すること。
  • 半自動検査装置は、特定のバイアルスピンとベルト速度で適切に校正および認定されていること。照明はまた、欠陥のある医薬品を人間が正確に検出できるように認定すること。
  • 自動検査機は、人間の検査能力を満たすか上回るように検証する必要があり、トレーニング基準または人工知能技術を使用して認定することができる。

For personnel qualification and automated inspection systems validation, a mixture of good injectable product units and defective units containing visible particulates should be used (Melchore 2011). This test set should be prepared and approved by quality assurance staff.

Manufacturers should develop libraries of defective units from samples collected throughout the  product life cycle, samples created to simulate production defects, or samples purchased to be representative of the types of particulates likely to occur for the drug product and its manufacturing process. Quality assurance staff should review the library of defective samples and compare the samples to established standards for proper classification. The library should contain examples from the lower limits of visual detection determined in the threshold studies. If a new particulate matter defect is identified, it should be analyzed to determine its source and added to the training library.



Typically, the percentage of defective units in a test set should not exceed 10–20 percent, and the test set quantities should be sufficient to provide an adequate degree of confidence in the test results. Trained inspectors should review defective units before they are included in the test set to determine if the visible particulates in them can be detected under normal conditions, and the identity of defective units should be masked to test subjects. The quality unit should control the test sets to ensure that qualification tests are not manipulated or biased.


The quality unit should also establish and approve qualification protocols that identify the sample test sets, test duration, grading method for test results, documentation of test results, acceptance criteria for certification, and actions to be taken for test failures. The protocols should also specify requalification testing methods and frequency.


  1. Quality Assurance Through a Life Cycle Approach

Process performance and product quality monitoring systems should provide information to ensure process control throughout a product’s life cycle. Process performance measurements (e.g., deviations, in-process defect results, statistical process control reports, equipments and facility breakdowns) provide information on the state of control during manufacturing. Product quality indicators (e.g., stability test results, complaints, returned product) can help determine whether particulate matter in the product caused an event. Similarly, field alert reports and adverse event reports could reveal possible particulates-related quality issues. This information should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of visible particulate control strategies.

Trends of increased particulate contamination, identification of new types of particulates, or particulates that exceed alert or action limits may indicate a flaw in product or process design.




For example, inconsistent product quality could be caused by any one or a combination of these factors:

  • Inadequate controls of components, containers, or closures.
  • A product formulation that is not stable.
  • Uncontrolled changes to the manufacturing process.
  • Equipment and facilities that are not suitable for their intended use.
  • Personnel practices that generate particles.

If an investigation reveals a flaw in product or process design, it is important to redesign the product or process to ensure reproducible product quality and reduction of particulate matter.


  • 組成物、容器密閉系の不適切な管理。
  • 安定していない医薬品処方。
  • 製造プロセスへの管理されていない変更。
  • 使用目的に適さない機器および設備。
  • 粒子を生成する人的作業。


  1. Actions To Address Nonconformance

Manufacturers must investigate quality discrepancies identified through the inspection process, quality control testing, complaints, or as a result of a batch failure and extend their investigation to other batches that may be affected (§§ 211.192 and 211.198). Such investigations should seek to identify the particulates and categorize them (intrinsic or extrinsic) because the presence of certain categories of particulates could indicate CGMP issues or sterility failures.

Investigations can include tightened sampling plans, examination of particles to understand their origin, and evaluation of batch release impact. The investigation should determine the sources of the variation and identify appropriate corrective actions and preventive actions. The investigations may also reveal opportunities to enhance the robustness of particle detection (e.g., improvements to the 100% inspection or AQL inspection program).

製造業者は、検査プロセス、品質管理テスト、苦情、またはバッチの失敗の結果として特定された品質の不一致を調査し、影響を受ける可能性のある他のバッチに調査を拡張すること(§§211.192および211.198)。 特定のカテゴリーの粒子状物質の存在はCGMPの問題または殺菌の失敗を示している可能性があるため、このような調査では、粒子状物質を特定して分類すること(内因性または外因性)。

調査には、厳格なサンプリング計画、粒子の起源を理解するための粒子の検査、および出荷判定の影響の評価が含まれる。 調査では、変動の原因を特定し、適切な是正措置と予防措置を特定すること。 調査により、粒子検出の堅牢性を強化する機会も明らかになる可能性がある(たとえば、100%検査またはAQL検査プログラムの改善)。

Investigations of manufacturing inspection outcomes should be conducted in situations such as the following:

  • Individual or total defect limits are exceeded.
  • A batch fails to meet AQL limits.

Atypical trends should also be investigated. This includes examining defective units removed from a batch that are within in-process specifications but outside of statistical (historical) trend limits for the manufacturing process or defective units with visible particulates that have not been commonly observed.


  • 個々のまたは全体の不適管理レベル欠陥制限を超えている。
  • バッチがAQL制限を満たしていない。


Reinspection of product batches may be permissible with appropriate scientific justification and should be conducted according to approved SOPs with tightened acceptance criteria. FDA does not recommend more than one reinspection in an attempt to release a batch with atypical defect levels. Samples failing the AQL reinspection should be counted along with rejects from any other inspection of the product (e.g., such as 100% inspection and the original AQL visual inspection) in calculations to account for and reconcile all units of final product in the batch.

医薬品バッチの再検査は、適切な科学的正当性があれば許可される可能性があり、厳格な承認基準を備えた承認済みSOPに従って実施すること。 FDAは、非定型の欠陥レベルのバッチを出荷判定するために、複数回の再検査を推奨していない。 AQLの再検査に失敗したサンプルは、バッチ内の最終医薬品のすべてのユニットを考慮して調整するために、医薬品の他の検査(100%検査や元のAQL目視検査など)からの不適合とともにカウントすること。

Corrective actions, such as reinspection, should be justified based on risk and have quality unit  oversight and must be documented consistent with applicable written procedures (§ 211.100(b)).

Customer complaints must be handled according to applicable CGMP regulations (§ 211.198) and should result in particulate identification whenever possible, an investigation into the potential source of the particulate, corrective actions (if necessary), and analysis of the batch’s retain samples for evidence of visible particulate contamination.

Ensuring the effectiveness, safety, and quality of injectable products is of utmost importance. Therefore, FDA recommends the use of a holistic, risk-based approach to visible particulate control. This approach includes the use of a robust visual inspection program along with the implementation of other relevant CGMP measures to help ensure that injectable products are not adulterated and are essentially free of visible particulates.


